Endless space 2 faction quest rewards
Endless space 2 faction quest rewards

endless space 2 faction quest rewards endless space 2 faction quest rewards

Those cold bodies aren’t giving you any science and little to no food: make them produce influence. The Nakalim are unique in that they can set up a polka-dot empire with colonies surrounded by tributaries. Exclaim in delight whenever an outpost crops up nearby, as someone else is spending resources to grow your tithes. Build tall and be very picky (more exploration = better picks) about your colonies high-pop systems (4-5 planets) surrounded by other systems are ideal. We want a galactic presence to spread influence (thus diplomatic pressure) over multiple if not all major factions. Cuck your closest neighbor so they’re never a threat down the line. With warden ships and T3 guns from the start there’s not much anyone can do about you colonizing nearby, plopping up temples, and influence converting their first few settled systems. The Nakalim are a exploration faction, and their starting hero is great for it.

endless space 2 faction quest rewards

Note that as the Naka start with Baryonic Shielding, better curiosities are available immediately, so we don’t exactly want to lax on probe explorers either. Double-engine aspirants can pick up far-off relics before they end up in someone’s borders. The Nakalim have a much more vested interest in the shape of the galaxy and placement of major factions than other empires. Concise tips for playing Nakalim, many specific to a more pacifistic playstyle.

Endless space 2 faction quest rewards